the Doodle Quilting Studio Mission
Stitching creative finishes onto beautiful quilts.
Doodle Quilting Studio provides edge-to-edge machine quilting for a one of a kind finish on your quilt top.
Our mission is to make your beautiful quilt shine through the addition of edge-to-edge machine quilting picked just for you.
I have been a machine quilting addict since 2010 and have enjoyed longarm quilting the last few years on the Bernina Q24!
Photo is Enjoli & Helga (the original DQS machine)
Welcome to Doodle Quilting Studio!
Where We’re Going:
So, what’s next for Doodle Quilting Studio?
Right now (July 2023) we are running our four long arms five days a week with to keep up with all of you amazing Alaskan quilters!
We have new classes being released all the time.. so keep checking our website for those updates!
And.. who knows after that.. always learning, always growing.. always looking for ways to make our quilting and longarm community more amazing!
How It Started:
Doodle Quilting Studio started in November 2016 in a corner of the Seams Like Home Quilt Shop - owned by my Mom and also where my Twin sister worked! That’s Helga (the first DQS machine) and me in the photo to the left! I quilted there for a few years using the hidden bathroom to store quilts in until I was ready to quilt them. Only occasionally loosing paperwork behind my makeshift cabinet.
In April 2019 we finished construction on our house and I moved my machine into my home studio! It was so magical - I had my machine, my thread, my massive fabric stash and a slightly better system for storing quilts! During the next few years as business grew and my kids got older I added a second machine - which lived at Seams Like Home(SLH). Now they had two machines in their longarm area so when I taught classes I could have up to 4 students at a time. I also added automation to the machine at home so I could offer edge-to-edge quilting along with the custom quilting I was already offering.
While quilting at home was amazing my ultimate plan was to have a studio where I could have multiple machines. I wanted to teach classes, run quilting and have the ability to run more than one machine at a time.
Then along comes November 2021…
In November 2021 my sister started taking over SLH and in January 2022 signed the paperwork to become the new owner of Seams Like Home.
We (my sister, our parents and I) also decided that it would work for us to close up an opening in the SLH building (which our parents own) in order to recreate the original tenant space the building was designed to have. Thus the Doodle Studio space was born - and I started moving things in right away! By the beginning of December enough was set up and we could be running quilts and operating normally.
Where Are We Now:
Doodle now has (as of January 2023) FOUR long arms in operation! We are staying busy running edge-to-edge and (select) custom Longarm quilting.
Doodle also now has two part time employees (Ashley & Jacie) that help keep me on task and machines running smoothly. They have been an amazing addition to the Doodle brand, and a HUGE credit to the success of the studio.
“Welcome to the Studio” - just inside the front doors of the NEW Doodle Quilting Studio.