Creative hand guided machine quilting

Meet the Team

Meet the Doodle Team

Our team is now an amazing illustration from @stasiaward_art (in order of appearance: Ashley, Enjoli & Hannah)


Enjoli Strait - Owner & Quilter

Enjoli is the Owner and Custom Quilter at Doodle Quilting Studio (DQS). She also enjoys teaching all types of machine quilting, from the basics of quilting on your domestic sewing machine to ruler work and advanced FMQ on the longarms.

Enjoli started machine quilting as a means to cope with three daughters under three way back in 2012! Once she learned that there was so much more to be done with machine quilting, Doodle Quilting Studio was born. Since then Doodle has grown and now Enjoli has the joy of working with two other wonderful ladies that help keep her on task and the computerized machines running!

Want to reach out to Enjoli? Email her at:

Ashley Auxier - Studio Manager &Quilter Extraordinaire

Ashley is one of the Computerized Quilting Extraordinaires and manages the studio when Enjoli is away. She thoroughly enjoys all aspects of longarming and is very excited at the potential for eventually moving into some custom work for clients!

 She has been sewing since she was a child, but quilts weren’t on her radar until around 2013. Then when she saw what longarms are capable of around 2016 and realized all the doodling she got in trouble for doing in school was just preemptive practice for this new hobby, it stuck! She’s very dedicated to procrastinating finishing her own quilts but loves seeing all the client quilts and is always just as excited to see your project finished as you are!

Want to reach out to Ashley? Email her at:

Jacie Anderson - Quilter Extraordinaire

Jacie is our newest recruit to Doodle Quilting Studio! You might recognize here from Seams Like Home! We stole her away from SLH finally so we get her everyday now! :) (Sorry sis!)

Jacie is a fellow fabric-aholic (like us all) and serial quilt maker! We’ll get all the juicy info on Jacie soon, but to get you started - she is a retired SPED teacher (which makes her a saint) and a cool (not crazy) cat lady!

We’re so excited to have Jacie on the team!

Hannah Dieckgraeff - Quilter Extraordinaire

UPDATE: Hannah is out on Maternity Leave as of 2/1/2023.

Hannah is our newest recruit to Doodle Quilting Studio. She started quilting about six years ago when she made a quilt for her baby nephew. Coming from a family of quilters she knows how baby quilts become special keepsakes that stay with someone for their entire life. Hannah loves how meditative and fun quilting can be! Taking classes at Seams Like Home and learning everything she could about quilting, she discovered a passion for free motion quilting. Hannah loves finding designs that really help compliment the quilt! 

When she’s not at the studio, you can find her corralling two (NOW 3) toddler boys and maybe even playing in her garden!


Betty is the oldest sister. She is pretty old fashioned but she’s definitely got the old fashioned work ethic too! Sometimes she kinda forgets what she’s doing but after a pep-talk, she always perks right back up. She’s truly an incredible artist and a really nice lady. We love having her here!

She is the "oldest” member of our team and the matriarch of the group!

Stats: Bernina Q24 on 12 foot Pro Frame


Veruca is the youngest sister… and you can tell. She is a bit of a diva and has been known to throw a temper tantrum simply for the excitement of it. Despite her saltiness Veruca is still a very hard worker and does a spectacular job when we ask her nicely.. very, very nicely.

Stats: Bernina Q24 on 13 foot Pro Frame


Helga is the sterotypical middle child. If she thinks the other two are getting too much attention she’ll act out a bit. However, on most days she just works like a champ and doesn’t complain. She likes to solve her own problems and prove that she can outshine her sisters.

Stats: Bernina Q24 on 13 foot Pro Frame


Dori is our new kid on the block - she is the “slightly off” cousin to our three other ladies. She is bright and spunky and lives life to her own tune. She is hardworking and silly. Her life motto is, “Just keep Quilting!”

Stats: Bernina Q20 on 12 foot Pro Frame