Creative hand guided machine quilting

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These PDF Downloads are FREE resources for you. Please feel free to share them with others that may find them useful!

Activating your Art & Stitch - Offline Mode

This PDF walks you through how to activate the Art & Stitch Program that came with your Bernina Qmatic.

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Bobbin Thread Trick for Machine Quilting

This PDF gives you step by step instructions on how to secure and bring up your bobbin thread while machine quilting. Useful if you do not have a thread cutter, want to bury your threads or are just in the middle of your quilt! 

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Tip Sheet on “How to Prep your Quilt for Longam Quilting”

This download will give you some suggestions on how to prepare your quilt for a longarm quilter. Created as a collaboration of Alaska Longarm Collective.


Troubleshooting Tips for the Bernina Q24 Longarm

This PDF will give you a few ideas on how to troubleshoot common machine quilting issues, with specific reference to the Bernina Q24.

Tips & Tricks for Successful Machine Quilting

This PDF walks you through a variety of tips and tricks to achieve beautiful quilting while avoiding common mistakes made during machine quilting.


Troubleshooting Stitch Quality of the Bernina Q20/Q24

This PDF discusses common stitch issues when quilting on your Bernina Qseries machine and how to solve them.


Tips for Machine Quilting Collage Quilts

Working on a collage quilt? Ready to quilt it, but worries about all those layers of fabric and glue and more fabric? Don’t worry this PDF will give you all the tricks for successfully machine quilting your collage quilt.


Thread Mode Settings on QSeries

Looking for a good starting point for setting up threads in your QSeries Personal Programs? These are the settings I’ve tested and determined for my machine. Feel free to try them in yours, but please make sure to test that they work for you (and your machine)!