Putting the Binding on 2016
Phew.. I can't believe that 2016 is almost over! It has been such an exciting last few months, that they have just flown by. I think I blinked and November was gone. I've had my long arm for almost a month now (and have yet to name her - yikes!), and have been squeezing quilting time out of every spare moment I have! Between three kids, a husband and a few work-related (quilt-shop) responsibilities, my quilting time has been limited. However, 2017 brings big goals and come August, much more quilting time, as my two youngest start Kindergarten! Whoo-hoo!
It's funny how optimistic I am at the beginning of December that I can make all of these amazing Christmas gifts, and then as the weeks go by I start to panic a bit more each week. So, this year I set small goals for myself, only a few hand-made items and of course those customer quilts that I had to finish. Yet, here I was Christmas Eve, sewing away on the last item - which made it in, just under the wire. I think we finished wrapping gifts around 10:30pm last night - gotta hold up the Santa tradition a little longer!
In all the craziness that goes into Christmas with three little girls, I am reminded that it is a blessing to have them to keep the magic of Christmas alive. They remind me that small things can be the what makes you feel like "this is the best day of my life" (a direct quote from my 6 year old today!) and that there is immense joy in giving!
I hope that as we close out 2016 you can look forward to 2017 with excitement and joy at the many things you can make and do to bring joy to others. My hope for Doodle Quilting Studio is not just to help you finish projects, but to help you bring joy to those you love!
Thank you for the love and support you have shown me in the last few months, I can't wait quilt my way through 2017!
Merry Christmas from my family to yours! :) Enjoli
The Strait Family