International Quilt Market
The last time I was at Quilt Market, I had just discovered an amazing book from a machine quilter I admired, Angela Walters! (You see where this is going don't you!) I'm pretty sure I talked my Mom and sister's ears off the whole plane ride about how I hoped to meet her, and pick up her new book, "Free-Motion Quilting Workbook". I definitely fan-girled, pretty hard!
This photo marks the beginning of a wonderful friendship, and my first push toward starting Doodle!
This year, my BIG goal for Quilt Market was to check out all the other longarm machines, in order to write a Part 2, to this article: Why Bernina Q24?. I am working on compiling my thoughts (and photos and videos) on the machines I played with. I was able to get my hands on the Gammil, Innova, Handi Quilter & Q'nique by Grace! I'm excited to share my findings with you all!
So, in between my mom and sister leaving me at the longarm booths, I did find some other pretty cool things to share with you all!
I got to meet Lori Kennedy from Inbox Jaunt. She is also a Bernina Ambassador so it was fun to chat machines with her! If you haven't seen her work, you need to! Check her out here: She also has a new book out "Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3", swing by Seams Like Home to grab a copy, it is an awesome book!
Lori Kennedy is so nice! And she told me she loved my business name!
I also ran into another quilter whose work I super duper admire. When I grow up I hope my quilting is as amazing as hers! Her name is Kathleen, you can find her work at She was super sweet, and is full of great information! If you're looking for more info on starting a Longarm Business, she has a great series on that too: "The Business of Longarm Quilting".
Me with Kathleen of Kathleen Quilts - I super duper admire her!
I spent some time playing at Superior, and wandering around in awe of all the beautiful things! There is so much to see, we stayed busy for three days straight!
Epic Banner
My version of heaven - superior threads table
"270 Colors" quilt from Whole circle studio
We played at the Jaybird Quilts and Tula Pink booths!
We love Jaybird Quilts - these letters are from her newest book "alphabet soup"
we want to make this Quilt for sure
Tula is the best! We get the honor of being her "second favorite set of twins"!
It was a fun, busy time in St. Louis for the International Quilt Market! It is always fun to go, and always fun to come home to share all the new goodness with you all!
Sis, Mom & Me enjoying market time
We got back on Monday and I was able to squeeze some quilting time in. Our shop, Seams Like Home is welcoming back Angela Walters to teach next week! My machine gets a break from me to allow some lucky students to learn Ruler work techniques with Angela!
Keep an eye out for my "Longarm Machine Comparison" article next week! And in the meantime...
Happily Quilting,
Enjoli :)